who is harry sullivan?

Harry Sullivan, played by Ian Marter, is a character in the British sci-fi show Doctor Who, and was one of the 4th Doctor's companions. He is a surgeon-lieutenant in the Royal Navy, and a medical officer at UNIT. He is rather old-fashioned and very clumsy (causing the Doctor to proclaim very loudly that he is an imbecile), but still brave and strong and adapts well to the strange situations he finds himself in. He was introduced in the episode Robot, in 1974, which was also the 4th Doctor's first episode. He was told by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to take care of the Doctor post-regeneration, which lead to him getting tied up in a cupboard, and shortly after joining the Doctor as a companion.

As all of the previous actors of the Doctor were older, it was assumed that the next Doctor would also be older, so Harry Sullivan was written to handle action scenes, although when Tom Baker was cast at 40 (the youngest actor of the Doctor up to that point), Harry was no longer needed, and was written out after only 6 stories, although he appeared in a final 7th not long later.


    • Robot
      The Ark in Space
      The Sontaran Experiment
      Genesis of the Daleks
      Revenge of the Cybermen
      Terror of the Zygons
      The Android Invasion
      Scratchman (book)
      Harry Sullivan's War (book)
      System Shock (book)
      A Device of Death (book)
      The Face of the Enemy (book)
      Millennium Shock (book)
      Wolfsbane (book)
      The Return of Robin Hood (book)
      Black Destiny (comic)
      John Smith and the Common Men (comic)
      The Forgotten (comic)
      The Choice (comic)
      Endgame (comic)
      The Transformed (comic)
      Official Secrets (comic)
      and a lot of big finish audios and short stories i cant be bothered to list here
  • why do i like harry so much?

    not sure tbh. hes just silly. silly goober. i like him. very cringefail. wet cat of a man but like in the opposite way the doctor is. by the way hes in a polycule with the doctor and sarah jane. just trust me he told me himself. ALSO hes canonically queer. Harry, a character in a 12th Doctor episode, Knock Knock, was revealed to be Harry Sullivan's grandson, and he mentions something about his grandad getting arrested with his boyfriend for trying to steal a piece of the wall of china. diversity win or whatever

    "That was the thing about Harry Sullivan - there was no malice in him, just an urge to grin at everything until it grinned back."

    girlfriends ^^^

    harry sullivan pony

    rip bozos

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