WELCOME / CROESO / Добро пожаловать / ようこそ

hello and welcome to my site

this is just a silly little place/project for me to share my art and bad coding xp

i made this site because. its cool. but also i hate how centralised the internet has become, so i wanted to create my own personal space :). also i needed somewhere to practice my html!!!!!!!!!

i may or may not be renovating this page!! i still havent decided but if you come back and it looks completely different u know why!!! except i accidentally deleted the file for it so its gonna take even longer RIP

look at my brand new twrp shrine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no ai 🚫🤖 webring (🎲)

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28/10/24: adding lots of new stuff to the homepage today! including this section! if u remember the notes section that i got rid of a while ago this is the new version of it. i thought i saved all the notes from there and wouldve added them here but it seems i did not. anyways, what to say... i went to comic con last friday! i cosplayed as the 4th doctor and i bought lots of keychains and pins and such and i met tomska, it was very fun :3 halloween is soon and i'm very excited, i'm going to see saw for the 20th anniversary :333 exciting stuff

the downside to entirely teaching yourself html is that it took me about 6 months to realise you could change the size of images really easily. beforehand i would make about 6 different versions of every image i used here on ezgif trying to get the right size and it was actual hell. i dont know how ive lasted this long. i still dont know how tables work