X-Men is a franchise created by Marvel that centers around the X-Men, a group of superpowered people known as "mutants", that fight for humanity and to protect the rest of mutantkind. The X-Men franchise is comprised of many many comics, ten movies, three cartoons, and probably more stuff idk about.
Mutants are people that carry the x-gene, which gives them superhuman abilities that usually manifests during puberty. Mutants are often discriminated against due to their differences, though the X-Men still fight for humanity.
The X-Men are lead by Professor Charles Xavier, a telepath who founded the X-Men, and Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a school for mutant children.
The X-Men are often opposed by the Brotherhood of Mutants, lead by Erik Lehnsherr, AKA Magneto, a mutant who has the ability to manipulate metal. Magneto and the Brotherhood believe in mutant superiority over humans, and fight against humanity and the X-Men.